Testing Services

Testing Services

Thermal testing and qualification according to ECSS and NASA standards, in Vacuum and ambient pressure, up to cryogenic conditions. They are designed and performed to allow hardware development and verification, functional assessment in relevant environment, cycling.




  • Small Vacuum Tests, for development:
    • 46x37x39 cm³
    • p ~2x10-2 mbar
    • T ϵ (-30,+150)°C
  • High Vacuum Tests, for qualification:
    • 53x54x54 cm³
    • p ≤1x10-5 mbar
    • T ϵ (-170,+150)°C
  • Life cycling with a Cryogenic thermal chamber (up to 5000 cycles):
    • 30x39x38 cm³
    • p = atm (N2)
    • T ϵ (-135,+135)°C
  • Thermal oven for bake-out: 41.5x37x34.5 cm³

Testing Campaings for our Customers


Vectronic Aerospace

Several Thermal vacuum campaigns meeting the requirements for the acceptance of different flying hardware like satellite control wheels among other devices.



Testing of Liquid cooling plates for the cooling of high-power thermal loads, for ground and flight applications, various sizes from small to large.

Get in Touch

Carl-Scheele-Strasse 14, 12489 Berlin, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)30 6392 6071
Email: info[a t]azimutspace.com

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